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          Premium Senna Leaves - Natural Laxative for Digestive Health


Botanical and Common Names


Scientifically known as Senna alexandrina, Senna leaves are often referred to as Cassia angustifolia leaves in traditional medicine. This medicinal herb is a popular herbal remedy for promoting digestive health.


Nutritional Content


While not consumed for their nutritional value, Senna leaves are rich in anthraquinone compounds such as sennosides, which give them their potent laxative properties.


Flavour Description


Senna leaves have a mildly bitter flavor which can be balanced out when used in herbal tea blends or formulations.


Benefits and Side Effects


Senna leaves have been widely used in traditional medicine for their potent laxative properties, which can aid in providing relief from constipation. By stimulating bowel movements, they can effectively support colon health and cleanse the digestive system.

Additionally, senna leaves may be beneficial for weight loss purposes as they help detoxify the body and improve digestion. Some also use senna for its potential benefits in treating hemorrhoids and reducing bloating.

                             However, while Senna leaves have many potential benefits, they also come with a risk of side effects, especially when used in excess. Side effects can include stomach discomfort, cramping, diarrhea, and dehydration. Chronic use can potentially lead to more severe issues like liver damage or electrolyte imbalance. It's crucial to use senna leaves responsibly and under the guidance of a healthcare professional to avoid such side effects.


Recipe Suggestions and Home Remedies


Senna Tea: This is the most common use of senna leaves. Steep 1-2 leaves in a cup of hot water for about 10 minutes. Strain and drink before bed for relief from constipation. Add a teaspoon of honey or a slice of lemon to balance the bitter taste.


Senna Tincture: Place senna leaves in a jar and cover with vodka. Let the mixture sit for about four to six weeks, shaking occasionally. Strain the mixture and use the tincture in small doses as a potent laxative.


Senna in Capsules: Senna leaves can be ground into a fine powder and filled into capsules. This can be a convenient way to take senna, particularly for those who dislike the bitter taste of the leaves.


Senna with Psyllium Husk: Mix powdered senna leaves with psyllium husk for a powerful, natural laxative. The psyllium adds bulk to stool, making it easier to pass, while the senna stimulates bowel movements.


Senna Leaf Poultice: A poultice made from senna leaves can be applied to areas of inflammation or wounds for its potential antibacterial properties.

                    Please consult with a healthcare provider before using senna leaves or any other herbal remedies, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or have an existing medical condition.


Buying and Storage Guide


When buying Senna leaves, ensure they are sourced from reputable suppliers that guarantee their quality and purity. Store the leaves in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight to maintain their efficacy.


Usage Suggestions


Senna leaves are most commonly used in the form of a tea or as part of a herbal supplement. It's important to start with small amounts and increase as needed, always under the supervision of a healthcare provider, especially if you're using them as a laxative.

                    Please remember to always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new herbal remedy.

Senna Leaves | Senna Alexandrina

SKU: 1087
  • Botanical Name

    Senna Alexandrina

  • Plant Family


  • Synonyms

    Indian senna, Tinnevelly senna, Swarnapatri, Sanay

  • Part Used

    Dried Leaves


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